A Dictionary of Single-Letter Variable Names

Posted on October 12, 2024 by Jack Kelly
Tags: haskell, coding

Haskell’s expressive type system means that type signatures can carry a lot of information. Haskell’s polymorphism means that you sometimes write functions that work across an enormous range of types, and are left wondering “what do I actually call my variables?”. It is often the case that there’s nothing to say beyond “this variable is a Functor”, or “this variable is a monadic action”, and so a single-letter variable name is appropriate. An unofficial and largely undocumented convention has emerged around these variable names, and so I wanted to write them all down in one place.

It should go without saying that single-letter variable names are not always the answer. Like point-free style, it sometimes obscures more than it helps and people get carried away with it. But when you have a highly polymorphic function and no good words to use, choosing the right letter can convey a surprising amount of meaning.

This dictionary is not and cannot be exhaustive. Variable naming often relies on context to convey information, and shorter variable names should only be used when they make sense in context. That context could be:

With the warnings out of the way, the dictionary is after the jump. The bulk of the dictionary documents type variables, where overly long variable names can blow out complicated type signatures. Important value-level variable names are also documented, and are explicitly labelled as such.

The Dictionary


  1. (Rare) the type of an Arrow, but because of the common usage of a as “arbitrary ground type (type of kind Type)”, this is often confusing. I recommend arr or infix k instead.

a, b, c, d

  1. Arbitrary (almost always ground) types, like the a in a Foldable t => t a. Almost never used for higher-kinded types, unless they’re kind-polymorphic (like data Proxy (a :: k) = Proxy).


  1. (As value) An arbitrary ByteString. I personally am not a fan of using b or bs for this: there is often a short contextual word that describes what it actually is, and if it truly is an arbitrary collection of bytes, then bytes is only five characters.


  1. A constraint (type variable of kind Constraint).

  2. (Sometimes) type variable of class Category, but that clashes with c if you’re writing out a composition operator. Consider cat or infix k as alternatives.

    -- From package `constraints`. Given evidence `e`,
    -- produce a dictionary for constraint `c`:
    class HasDict c e | e -> c
      evidence :: e -> Dict c
    -- From package `constraints-extras`:
    class Has c f where
      has :: forall a r. f a -> (c a => r) -> r


  1. (As type or value) An “error” or exception type, though I personally prefer ex for true exceptions. Using e in a type like Either e a indicates that Either is being used for its Monad instance, where Left is considered an exceptional/early/error return, and not as an unbiased choice between two types.

    -- From packages `mtl`, `generic-lens`:
    trySomething ::
      (MonadError e m, AsType SomeSpecificError e) =>
      SomeArgument ->
      m SomeResponse

f, g, h

  1. A Functor or “Functor-like” type, including Applicative, Alternative, and their contravariant versions Contravariant, Divisible, and Decidable.

  2. (As value) An arbitrary function.


  1. (As value, rare) The head of a sequence, but the x:xs notation is more common.

i, j

  1. An index: a type that identifies an element in a structure (a key in a key-value map; an Int for a list, vector, or sequence; etc).

    -- From package `indexed-traversable`:
    class Functor f => FunctorWithIndex i f | f -> i where
      imap :: (i -> a -> b) -> f a -> f b
    instance FunctorWithIndex Int List
    instance FunctorWithIndex k (Map k)
  2. (As value) An integral value.

  3. (As value, uncommon) An index into a data structure. idx is more common.


  1. (As type or value) key type of a key-value map, or the key of a K-V entry within such a map.

    -- From package `containers`:
    mapWithKey ::
      (k -> a -> b) ->
      Map k a ->
      Map k b
  2. (Sometimes) the arrows of a category, often written infix.

    -- From package `categories`:
    class Category k => HasTerminalObject k where
      type Terminal k :: Type
      terminate :: a `k` Terminal k
  3. (As value) A continuation parameter. (Mnemonic: kontinuation)

    -- From package `transformers`:
    runCont :: Cont r a -> (a -> r) -> r
    runCont m k = runIdentity (runContT m (Identity . k))
    --        ^-- The continuation parameter.
  4. The “kind variable” for a type variables of polymorphic kind.

    data Proxy (a :: k) = Proxy
    --               ^-- The variable `a` has polymorphic kind.


  1. (As type) a Monoid, subclass of Monoid, or (as value) a monoidal value.

    foldMap :: (Foldable t, Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
  2. (As type) a Monad, subclass of Monad, or (as value) a monadic action.

    (>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
  3. (As value) a map (such as a Data.Map.Map k v), but with no contextual meaning.

For Monads and Monoids, n is sometimes also used when a second variable is needed, but is hard to visually distinguish from m. Consider m', m1 and m2, or (if using Functors that happen to be Monads) f and g instead.


  1. A type-level natural number.

  2. (As value) A numeric (often Natural or at least Integral) quantity. Often used for the (single) numeric induction variable in a recursive function.


  1. (As value) A proposition — a Bool with no contextual meaning that we can see. All we care about is whether it is True or False.

    when :: Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
    when p s = if p then s else pure ()
  2. (As value, rare) A “predicate”. A predicate is almost always represented by a function a -> Bool and often named pred_ (pred without the underscore clashes with a method from class Enum), or with the standard variable name f.

p, q

  1. Mnemonically, a Profunctor, or a profunctor value.

    -- From package `profunctors`:
    class Profunctor p where
      dimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p b c -> p a d
      lmap :: (a -> b) -> p b c -> p a c
      rmap :: (b -> c) -> p a b -> p a c
  2. A Bifunctor, or a bifunctor value. (The obvious first choice — b — would clash with the use of a/b/c/d for arbitrary types.)

    class (forall a. Functor (p a)) => Bifunctor p where
      bimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p a c -> p b d
      first :: (a -> b) -> p a c -> p b c
      second :: (b -> c) -> p a b -> p a c


  1. A “reader” or “environment” type, like the kind carried around in a ReaderT.

    -- Constraints from packages 'mtl' and 'generic-lens':
    doSomething ::
      (MonadReader r m, HasField' "apiKey" r ApiKey) =>
      AnArg ->
      m AResult
  2. A “return” or “result” type. Often used as the result type for streams and the like, as well as in type signatures for functions written in continuation-passing style:

    -- From package `streaming`:
    data Stream f m r
    --              ^-- Result type of the stream.
    -- From package `constraints-extras`:
    class Has c f where
      has :: forall a r. f a -> (c a => r) -> r
      --                                ^     ^
      -- Continuation-passing style: the return type
      -- of the function argument is the return type
      -- of the whole function.
  3. (As value) A result of some sort. (I personally prefer res.)


  1. A “state type”, like the ones plumbed around by StateT.

    -- From package `mtl`.
    modify :: MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m ()
  2. (As value, sometimes) An arbitrary String or Text. str is usually more common, or c:cs or ch:chs if recursing over individual Chars (the s suffix denotes plural “chars”; this is also discussed in the section on x, y, z).

s, t, a, b

  1. These four type variables often appear together in lenses or other optics. The simplest complete example is a Lens s t a b: it can extract an a from an s and overwrite it with a b. Doing so would produce a value of type t.

    -- A lens into the second part of a 2-tuple.
    -- Inspired by package `lens`, but less polymorphic to make the point clear.
    _2 :: Lens (x, c) (x, d) c d
    --           ^      ^    ^ ^-- `b`: Type of the new value to put back in.
    --           |      |    '---- `a`: Type of the value extracted from the tuple.
    --           |      '--------- `t`: Type of the tuple with a new value written back.
    --           '---------------- `s`: Type of the initial tuple that is focused upon.


  1. A Traversable or Foldable structure. The mnemonic for Traversable is obvious, but Foldable is a superclass of Traversable and so is often called t as well:

    class Foldable t where
      foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
  2. (As value) An arbitrary Text value.

  3. (As value, sometimes) A time value. I personally avoid using t for times, as times often have some contextual meaning and can be given better names like now or createdAt.

  4. (As value, rare) The tail of a sequence, but the x:xs notation is more common.


  1. (As type or value) value type of a key-value map, or the value of a K-V entry within such a map.


  1. A Comonad. (Mnemonic: a comonad is dual to a monad, and w is an upside-down m.)


  1. A type that is ignored, irrelevant, or inaccessible.

    -- From package `streaming`:
    maps ::
      (Monad m, Functor f) =>
      (forall x. f x -> g x) ->
      --      ^-- The function passed in here cannot know anything
      --          interesting about `x`, so it is "inaccessible".
      Stream f m r ->
      Stream g m r
    -- From package `streaming`:
    for ::
      (Monad m, Functor f) =>
      Stream (Of a) m r ->
      (a -> Stream f m x) ->
      --               ^-- This x is not referenced elsewhere; `for`
      --                   discards the result of the substreams.
      Stream f m r

x, y, z

  1. (As values) Arbitrary values about which nothing is known. Often seen with a suffix s to pluralise the variable and denote a collection of arbitrary values. Read xs, ys, zs as “eckses”, “wyes”, and “zeds” (though American readers may disagree on the final one).

    map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
    map f list = case list of
      [] -> []
      -- `x` binds one value from the list head;
      -- `xs` binds many values from the list tail.
      x:xs -> f x : map f xs

_ (Underscore)

  1. (As value) A blank pattern. A pattern that matches anything but binds no variable to the matched data.


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