I built a raycaster in Haskell using codeworld-api
over the weekend, and put the
code up on sr.ht. Raycasting is not a particularly impressive
technique these days: John Carmack did it 17 years ago in a cave!
With a box of scraps! with texture mapping, while wrangling the
IBM VGA, and while getting acceptable performance out of an 80386.
(Aside: the Wolfenstein 3D
Black Book is a fantastic read.)
Despite being obsolete, raycasting is a fun first step. I mostly followed F. Permadi’s tutorial from 1996, which does a pretty good job of deriving the maths, not just hitting you with walls of C. I was struggling to get the actual ray casting to work right, and eventually found the Algorithm of Amanatides and Woo. This post is about reaching that success, and reflecting on the thought processes that got me there.